All of the daily pictures in this calendar capture something — a moment, an event, a texture, a feeling, or something else entirely — and I hope that one of the things they capture is your interest. Just click the link to see the full picture.
The daily pictures are not mine; they were chosen from Creative Commons Licensed pictures on flickr. The day's link takes you there for a variety of viewing options, the credits, and the licensing information. Thank you to all of the photographers who have shared their work with the world.
This include Alanna George and her invisible ghost. You won't see the picture unless a page malfunctions, but the months wouldn't be the same without it.
Thank you to everyone who shared their work and the knowledge that I used in making this, my gift to you. And may everybody have a happy 2013.
calendar some rights reserved by J.K. Brown
pictures on this page courtesy Garth & J.K. Brown and under same permissions as calendar